BEPETE-Shrinkage Limit test-set, ASTM D427 AASHTO T92, NF P94-060-1, UNE 103-108
Order no.: BE303000


The Shrinkage Limit Set is used for determining the maximum moisture
content at which the soil does not shrink after drying.

Shrinkage Limit test-set, ASTM D427
AASHTO T92, NF P94-060-1, UNE 103-108
Consisting of:
2 x Shrinkage dish 45 mm dia. x 12.7 mm high
1 x Crystallizing dish, 57 mm dia. x 31 mm deep
1 x Shrinkage prong plate,
manufactured from transparent acrylic and fit with 3 metal prongs
1 x Evaporating dish
1 x Flexible spatula
1 x Graduated cylinder, 25 ml
All contained in a plastic case.
Weight: approx. 1 kg, dimensions: 300 x 280 x 120 mm

Order number: BE303000


Weight approx. 1,0 kg
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