BEPETE-Digital Penetrometer EN 1426, ASTM D5
Order no.: BD100002


Digital standard penetrometer complete with micrometer vertical adjustment;
according EN 1426, ASTM D5, AASHTO T49
Order number: BD100002

Digital electronic semi-automatic penetrometer complete with micrometer vertical adjustment and
adjustable electronic timer of the fall time, according to EN 1426, ASTM D5, AASHTO T49. 230 V,
50-60 Hz, 1 ph
Order number: BD100003

Accessories for the penetrometers:

Penetration needle 2.5 ± 0.05 g. made from hardened polished stainless steel. Univocally traceable by engraved serial number. Conforming to ASTM D5 and EN 1426. Supplied with conformity certificate.
Order number: BD100005

Sample beaker Ø 55×35 mm, 1 packing unit: 6 pieces
Order number: BD100006

Sample beaker Ø 55×35 mm made of stainless steel
Order number: BD100007

Sample beaker Ø 70×45 mm, 1 packing unit: 6 pieces
Order number: BD100008

Mirror with articulate holder. To make easy the surface contact between the needle and the sample
Order number: BD100009

Glass bowl Ø 100 mm x 100 mm high
Order number: BD100010

EN thermometer, range from +19 to +27°C range, 0.1°C graduation, type ASTM 17C
Order number: BD100011

Water bath for bitumen penetration tests, including heating controller and cooling coil, immersion temperature probe, internal support grid and connections to mains water or water chiller.
Temperature range 25 to 60 ± 0.1 °C
230 V, 50-60 Hz, 1 ph
Order number: BD100012

Water chiller, 7.5 l capacity; with electronic temperature controller
with ± 0.1 °C accuracy and fluid temperature range between 5 and 30°C;
suitable for chilling penetrometer water baths or temperature controlled setting time tests;
230 V, 50-60 Hz, 350 W, 1 ph; dimension: 415X300X420mm;
weight: approx. 15 kg
Order number: BD100013

Standard penetration cone conforming to ASTM D217 and EN 13880-2
Order number: BD100014





Packing unit 1 Piece
Weight approx. 8,5 kg
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